Will never be the same twice



Technology Trusted Advisors


Frequently, our customers face technological challenges and obstacles when re-positioning their products, targeting new segments or executing a new turn-around strategy.

Examples of these transformations are: 

  • Moving form on-premise to Cloud platform
  • Moving from client server to Web presentation
  • Face-lifting the presentation layer, including dashboards and report generations
  • Choosing a Big-Data platform
  • Serving new markets, new verticals or new territories with new technological standards and  best practices.  
  • complying with the market new IT standardization and regulation


These technological challenges often lead to business obstacles and hence Stratechy offers technological coaching including the evaluation of emerging technologies and closing technological partnerships where our customers can significantly shorten their time to market on one hand and enjoy technological advantage on the other hand.




Contact Us


+972-52-3670513  info@stratechy.com